Business News

Readers Wish These Buzzwords Would Go Away

Mahlmann Media President Glyn Williams doesn’t like “vendor”.

The word I’d like to ban is “vendor.” I’ve said this for years, even when I was on the agency side – vendor has such a transactional use and doesn’t implore the level of partnership media owners/operators need to have with clients and agencies. I offer any number of better words: media operator, owner, media partner… media rep even. A vendor is a guy selling a hot dog at Wrigley or someone who painted some pottery and selling it at a craft fair. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all for what it is but it’s not the nature of the relationship between buyers and sellers. At least not where it should be. We’re not selling hot dogs or cheap pottery and at Kevin Gleason point we’re not selling boards. We’re selling media, impressions, spots, Opportunities for clients to connect with their audience.

See full article on Billboard Insider.


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